Normal (Vaginal) Birth

with Op. Dr. Hasan Ulaş Başyurt
Vaginal birth, also known as normal birth or spontaneous birth, is a natural process through which a baby is delivered through the birth canal. It is a remarkable journey that showcases the body’s incredible ability to bring new life into the world. Understanding the stages of vaginal birth can help expectant mothers and their partners feel more prepared and empowered as they approach this transformative experience.
Stages of Vaginal (Normal) Birth:
Vaginal birth is typically divided into three main stages, each marked by distinct physical changes and progressions. Let’s explore each stage in detail:

1. Stage 1: Early Labor and Active Labor:
Early Labor:
The first stage of vaginal birth begins with early labor, during which the cervix starts to soften, thin out (efface), and gradually dilate (open) to accommodate the passage of the baby.
Active Labor:
As early labor progresses, contractions become more frequent, intense, and regular. This signifies the transition to active labor. During this stage, the cervix continues to dilate further. Contractions usually last around 40-60 seconds and occur every 3-5 minutes.
2. Stage 2: Delivery:
The second stage of vaginal birth is the delivery stage. This is when the baby moves through the birth canal and is born into the world. During this phase, the cervix is fully dilated, and the mother actively participates by pushing with each contraction to aid the baby’s progress. The healthcare provider and birthing team provide guidance and support to ensure a safe and smooth delivery.
3. Stage 3: Delivery of the Placenta:
This usually occurs within 10-30 minutes after the baby’s birth. The healthcare provider may gently tug on the umbilical cord to help deliver the placenta. Once the placenta is expelled, the birthing process is complete.
Vaginal birth is a beautiful and transformative journey that brings new life into the world. The stages of vaginal birth, from early labor to the delivery of the placenta, showcase the body’s remarkable ability to adapt and facilitate the birthing process. It is a deeply personal experience for each expectant mother, filled with anticipation, joy, and challenges.